I rather get blocked than keeping quiet about my opinions.

– The earth is sick, the big ships let out way to much, people through plastic bags in our sea. The rain forrest is burning and the president in Brazil doesn’t care.

– In countries homosexual people are treated like they have some disease.

– Colored people are treated like crap everywhere.

– There are adults who search for their biological parents since they were kidnapped as babies.

– There are sexists comments as fast as women have a bit too much power.

– People still think adoption is the best thing to a child and the parent when it bring mental illness for both of them.

You all think I should keep my mouth shut about this? No, I’m furious, I’m angry. This is 2019 we should come further. We should listen to everyone’s opinions without laughing at them, without locking them in. Without killing them. People with knowledge and experiences are the people we should listen to so stop ignoring and start acting.

Yesterdays Events

It was Lucia yesterday (My friend was Lucia, the tallest girl in the choir).  And we were going to sing at a home for immigrants (people who recently came to Sweden). I believe that many of these people came from countries where it is war. So I stood there in front of these people and sang. While I sang I looked at babies, children, women and men. They all saw very excited and happy. But I couldn’t stop thinking that all these people had been through so much horrible things. Children shouldn’t experience those kind of things like fear, loss and hunger. Our choir leader always says that we need to smile while we sing but I couldn’t. I looked at the man who looked a bit tired that maybe he lost his family. And I looked at the woman with her baby and thought that she was on her way to Sweden while she was pregnant. I’m glad that they all came to Sweden, and I hope they all will get asylum. Then I think of the people who are left in Syria or Afghanistan and have to live a normal life while people they know are dying and the bombs are falling from the sky. God should know that I feel for them, I wish I could help them.

Well here in Sweden there are a campaign to give the children in war countries an education and maybe a chance to a future. It is called “Musikhjälpen”, where you can start your own collection box and chose a name and make people offer money to your collection box. I offered money to the box “Förskollärare i Sverige”, many people have offered money to this campaign and I hope more money will be offering money.

If you know another campaign in your country to offer money to poor countries, please do that. It is needed!
